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Your contract is with Selati Wildlife Expereince PTY (Ltd) ( South Africa co. reg. no. 2019/317154/07) hereinafter referred to as Selati Wildlife Experience.
All bookings are subject to Selati Wildlife Experience Terms & Conditions. When you submit your booking you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms & Conditions as set out below and confirm that you are bound to them.
All applicants for Selati Wildlife Experience veterinary volunteer program must complete the remuneration agreement and accept the terms and conditions by signing on the respective date which paperwork was sent out. In the case of minors, a parent or legal guardian must sign. The person or persons who have signed the forms are hereafter referred to as the clients and/or applicants. The client agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. No agent, representative or client of Selati Wildlife Experience has any right to alter, vary or waive any of these conditions. This contract, by whoever it is made and wherever it is made, is subject to and shall be governed and construed according to South African Law.
A provisional booking will be sent to the client via e-mail. The client must then agree to the dates via email to Selati Wildlife Experience and pay a 30% NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT of the total fee.Please note that whilst provisional bookings are indications of project availability, placements are only confirmed upon receipt of a signed enrollment form and the required deposit within 10 days.
Please note Airfare and other travel arrangements should only be made after confirmation of a volunteer placement. It is essential that refundable and changeable flight tickets are purchased and that domestic flights are booked separately from international flights. Many low cost flight providers will not allow changes to booked flight details or will require exorbitant fees to effect such changes. The balance of the program price is payable in full, two weeks before date of departure. If the balance is not paid by the due date, Selati Wildlife Experience reserves the right to disqualify the applicant and cancel the agreement, all amounts paid to Selati Wildlife Experience will normally be forfeited.
Any notification of cancellation must be in writing. The date on which the letter is received by Selati Wildlife Experience or its agents will determine the cancellation charges applicable. In the event of cancellation the following charges will normally apply: less than 30 days before departure 100% of total program cost forfeited. Between 60 and 30 days before departure 50% of total program cost forfeited.
In the event of a client failing to join a program, joining after departure, or leaving prior to completion, no refunds will be made or liability accepted by Selati Wildlife Experience.
Selati Wildlife Experience does not accept any liability arising out of changes to itineraries, or any other matters relating to a program, due to factors outside its control. These factors include, but are not limited to, wars, strikes, weather, political disputes, border closures, delayed flights, etc. Any expenses incurred by the client arising out of these changes are for their own account.
All clients MUST be in possession of the necessary insurance, and a valid passport, together with any necessary visas, the client accepts full responsibility in this regard. Should a client be refused entry to any country due to incorrect or incomplete documentation, Selati Wildlife Experience will not be held liable for any costs or repatriation costs in relation thereto. It is the client’s responsibility to obtain full travel and health insurance for the duration of their stay abroad.
This insurance must cover veterinary work, needle stick and working with wildlife.
It is the client’s responsibility to check and follow their Doctor’s advice (in sufficient time before travelling) on the current inoculations/medical precautions they must take before travelling. It is also the client’s responsibility to inform Vets and Wildlife of current or former medical conditions or treatment arising from said medical conditions.
The client accepts that at all times the decisions of the designated person in charge at that specific time will be final on all matters including, but not limited to issues relating to the safety and well-being of the client.
During a program should a client, in the opinion of Selati Wildlife Experience or its duly authorized representative, be considered unsuitable for the program, e.g. being in contravention of any customs or laws of South Africa, or causing inconvenience or annoyance to other clients/people, then Selati Wildlife Experience may disqualify the applicant. In such circumstances transportation to the nearest town will be provided. Selati Wildlife Experience will not make any refund to the client and no other liability by Selati Wildlife Experience to the client will arise.
Weather in the world in general and South Africa in particular is becoming more unpredictable and erratic.
Selati Wildlife Experience cannot be held responsible for disruptions and/or variations in your project caused by unforeseen weather conditions.
Selati Wildlife Experience reserves the right to vary program prices in the light of any inflation in fuel costs, accommodation costs, park entrance fees or fluctuation in exchange rates. Selati Wildlife Experience will endeavor to keep such variations to a minimum but may apply surcharges.
Any client found to be defaming the Selati Wildlife Experience program or the character of any personnel will immediately be asked to leave the program without a refund from Selati Wildlife Experience.
Data protection legislation within South Africa may not be a stringent as Europe but we will not pass on more information than is necessary to complete your booking. The most commonly used information is name and address, medical conditions and dietary requirements.
It is the client’s responsibility to check the most recent travel guidelines at regular intervals before departure to their chosen project. This can be done by visiting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office websites. It is essential that volunteers take responsibility for their own safety and use all available information to make an informed decision as to the risks of travelling in South Africa. Any information or advice given by Selati Wildlife Experience or its agents is given in good faith but clients must also rely on advice from Government agencies and their own judgement. Clients are bound by the aforementioned terms and conditions and confirm that enrollment information is complete and accurate. Any false declaration would render any claim whatsoever void and the client could further be held liable for prosecution in terms of the laws governing South Africa.